Saint Padre Pio Medal - Pio of Pietrelcina Patron of Confessors and Catholic Adolescents
Regular price $1.50
Saint Luke the Evangelist Medal - Patron of Artists, Physicians, and Surgeons
Saint Dymphna Pray For Us medal Patron of Anxiety, Depression, and Mental Health
Saint Gianna Beretta Molla Medal - Patron of Mothers, Wives, and Unborn Children
Saint Joseph Medal - Patron Saint of Fathers, Doubt, and House Hunters
Saint Anthony Medal - Patron of Lost Objects, the Elderly, and Expectant Mothers
Guardian Angel Pray For Us Medal - Made in Italy
Saint Teresa of Avila Medal - Patron Saint of Headaches and Heart Disease
Saint Hubert Medal - Patron of Hunters, Mathematicians, and Machinists
Saint Nicholas Pray For Us Religious Medal - Dutch Santa Claus Patron of Sailors
Saint Francis of Assisi Medal - Patron Saint of Animals, Ecology, and Italy
Saint Augustine of Hippo Medal Pray For Us
Saint Uriel the Archangel Medal - Patron of the Sacrament of Confirmation
Blessed Carlo Acutis Medal - Patron of Youth and Computer Programmers
Saint Lucy Medal - Patron of the Blind and Eye Diseases
Saint Teresa of Calcutta Medal - Mother Teresa - Patron of World Youth Day
Five Way Cross Scapular Medal 1-1/8" Long Made in Italy
Regular price $1.60
Saint Joseph - Holy Family Double Sided Mini Medal 1/2" long
Regular price $1.40
Saint Maria Goretti Medal - Patron of Chastity, Purity, and Teenage Girls
Saint Paul the Apostle Medal - Patron Saint of Missionaries and Evangelists